
I believe that we all should have the opportunity – or make the opportunity – like a custom-made life. I am so grateful for the circumstances and people in my life that faciliated this for me.

Top of that list are my fabulous parents and my incredible wife.

Dog comes after that 😉

From my beginnings in a small city in Canada, to life in a small city in Japan, I’ve striven to experience life on my terms.

Apart from writing, if you walk past you are most likely to hear the sounds of me playing guitar – my other great creative passion in life.



After innumerable rewrites – after first having the idea at age 16 – Jeremy and the Magic Shelf is published.


Move to Japan!


Move to Europe, writing software for a living and residing in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Gibraltar and Germany!


Move to Toronto. A kind of success in the music world is acheived. The kind of success that doesn’t bring money.


Being playing music ‘professionally’ in bars and clubs.


My first book – a dark tale of a pig who ends up as bacon – wins a young author award in my hometown!